It was really hard battle. I have ant script with some ivy deps. deps in tar format and I use full path to untar it.
But on Win full path contains : ohh crap!!!!
part of a script
and looks on the error
[echo] extract to KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk from C:/work/svn/kpvc-index-trunk/KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk/android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.
[extract] tar: Cannot execute remote shell: No such file or directory
[extract] tar: C\:/work/svn/kpvc-index-trunk/KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk/android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.bz2: Cannot open: Input/output error
[extract] tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
look on echo it looks fine, but extract has C\:/work. Of course it doesn't work... After some investigation I found that this is not ant problem.... tar just doesn't understand colon (:) WTF. I spent much time to found it. So solution just add as a last argument of tar
<arg line="--force-local" />
But on Win full path contains : ohh crap!!!!
part of a script
<echo level="info">extract to @{unpack-dir}/${var.package.path} from @{file}</echo>
<matches pattern=".*(\.tgz|\.bz2|\.tar)$" string="@{file}"/>
<exec executable="tar" taskname="extract" failonerror="true">
<arg line="xf" />
<arg line="@{file}" />
<arg line="-C @{unpack-dir}/${var.package.path}" />
<matches pattern=".*(\.tgz|\.bz2|\.tar)$" string="@{file}"/>
<exec executable="tar" taskname="extract" failonerror="true">
<arg line="xf" />
<arg line="@{file}" />
<arg line="-C @{unpack-dir}/${var.package.path}" />
and looks on the error
[echo] extract to KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk from C:/work/svn/kpvc-index-trunk/KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk/android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.
[extract] tar: Cannot execute remote shell: No such file or directory
[extract] tar: C\:/work/svn/kpvc-index-trunk/KPVC/3rdparty/android-ndk/android-ndk-r8b-linux-x86.tar.bz2: Cannot open: Input/output error
[extract] tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
look on echo it looks fine, but extract has C\:/work. Of course it doesn't work... After some investigation I found that this is not ant problem.... tar just doesn't understand colon (:) WTF. I spent much time to found it. So solution just add as a last argument of tar
<arg line="--force-local" />
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