Recently I've implemented SVD low-rank approximation for image compression, but then I thought that actually this low-rank approximation shows direction with highest variance... and that means we could estimate how many classes we should pick to train K-Means...
Guys, have you seen Octave online? quite impressive thing, you can store!!! your scripts, it can plot and does symbolic evaluations! Basic Machine Learning, Linear Algebra, Convex optimization, etc courses can be done right without any investment in an expensive software (hello Matlab basic bundle for 5k). w00h00
Well, tons of posts were written about it. It wont be "yet another one". But I implemented it anyway, just for fun. I wont explain theoretical part, but will suggest some links about it.
magic happens in we pickup just take approx_ranksingular values and discard others, so get some compression.
Result is below, on left side depicted original greyscale picture with rank equals 440 on a right side depicted low rank approximation with rank equals 50